Light At The End…


So as some of you know I’ve been studying to become a La Leche League Leader. Well I’m almost done with the first part and have also finished the crocheted hats I’ve mentioned previously.


So…I finally have a moment to breathe!! I’ve even managed to schedule some time for myself, that’s right. I’m going to go get my hair done professionally (something I’ve never done before).ย  We are attending a friends wedding next weekend and I felt that it’s time I pay a little attention to myself. I’ll be posting about that experience this weekend.


Failure is not Forever



I’m very disappointed to report that I have fallen off of the healthy lifestyle wagon and have resumed past eating mistakes. I’ve been avoiding the scale (and looking at myself in a full length mirror) for the past month. Well I put my big girl panties on and stepped on the machine from hell (aka: my scale) and it’s official, I’ve gained back the 10lbs I shedded before.

*insert sobs and various remarks of self loathing and disapproval here*

Ok now that I’ve gotten my keyboard tear soaked. I can explain my disappointment, it took me nearly EIGHT WEEKS and a lot of hard work to lose that weight and here I am back at square one.

Fortunately, there is an upside. What’s that you ask? Well the beauty is that I’m human and I can get refocused and begin working hard(er). My plan of action:

*Count my caloric intake.
*Practice portion control
*Spare moment? GET MOVING!!!

I’ll keep you all updated on my progress. ๐Ÿ™‚


Long Time, No Type


It feels as if it has been forever since I’ve blogged. I’ve been super busy getting my home cleaned up and clutter free for fall. I’ve also been working with my daughter on learning basic preschool skills. The attached picture is week ones activities.ย 

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but I love to crochet. I have an order for some Minion hats for Halloween. I’ll be posting those when they’re done. Thank you for reading!!!



The Truth…


If I’m going to be 100% honest, I need to say that being a Stay at Home mom was never my dream. Please do not misinterpret what I’m saying. I love my kids more than anything in this world. But there are days when I wish I could work. I’ve always worked, ever since I was old enough to get a job and I love it! I love contributing to my families financial wellness and having that time away from the house doing something that doesn’t involve diapers or SpongeBob. Now why can’t I is what you are probably wondering…well about three years ago my husband and I moved to a small farming community in Eastern Colorado and unfortunately it would cost us more in Daycare costs than what would be worth me working for. So here I sit waiting (patiently) until all of my littles are in school. I have about five more years of waiting and I’m ok with that. I just get extremely antsy and lonely. Once again I ask that the previous statement not be taken the wrong way….I know I am not alone during the day (two out of four kiddos are still at home) but having no adult interaction really kills me. There’s another question…Why don’t I have other Mom friends to interact with…well I haven’t found anyone that I feel that I truly click with. I have always had a hard time finding friends that I can truly click with, that get my twisted sense of humor and understand that I am not June Cleaver. I am not the perfect mother and I never will be. I’ve had a handful of really good friends but unfortunately I do not get back to our home town to visit with them as often as I would like. I would also call but talking on the phone with me when my kids are awake is like talking to someone with ADD and Tourettes. I think writing this is actually more depressing than it is in my head. So on the light side of this, I will (hopefully) be able to sign up for online classes to begin my journey towards becoming an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and by the time my youngest is in Preschool I’ll be ready to take the exam. I guess this will conclude my rant for the day…thanks for listening….reading.

Out of Sorts…


I’m not sure when it happened butility it seems I’ve gotten off track. I have completely submerged myself in everything there is to do with breastfeeding.

I’ve researched in my area and there is a HUGE need for someone with expertise in this area. I’m going through the process of applying to become a La Leche League leader and in six months I’ll be starting classes to become a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist.

I apologize for my slacking and promise to pull up my big girl pants and get my head back in the game. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for sticking with me!


The Paid Survey Christmas Project



I have seen multiple times on Facebook, other page owners state that they have used paid survey sites to pay for Christmas with little to no out of pocket cost. I wanted to test how legitimate this claim is so I joined Opinion Outpost and Swagbucks . Now through October of next year I’ll actively interact with these websites and keep y’all up to date with my earnings.


Input Needed!



I am working on a Think About It Thursday post about spicing up your marriage after kids. I will be sponsoring a giveaway for this post and am curious to see what y’all would prefer:

-Giftcard to an adult themed store
-Giftcard towards a dinner or movie

Let me know what you all would like to see up for grabs in the comments. ๐Ÿ™‚


Things That Go Bump In The Night…


Ok so I’ve mentioned just recently, my husband is a farmer and we are in the middle of harvest. So…it’s 9:30pm and the kids are asleep, leaving me awake all by my lonesome. Maybe first I should explain that when I get to watch T.V. I enjoy watching real crime shows, horror movies and paranormal reality shows. So maybe I am a glutton for punishment, but here I am on the computer hearing every noise in the house and thinking


“Oh my goodness, I don’t know what that was…why are the dogs barking? what if someone is breaking into the house? Is my house haunted? Oh man, I really have to pee BUT I refuse to put my feet on the floor because the second I do a hand is going to reach out from under my bed and get me!”


Can you imagine, a grown woman of 29 years, hiding in her room like a scared little kid?? Ridiculous I know. My two oldest sons (who are out of town at the moment) would absolutely love to hear me ramble on this way. I’m the one always telling them that there is no reason to be afraid and that they are going to be just fine if they close their eyes and go to sleep. Way to be a great role model eh mom?!?


Oh yay! My husband just came home so it looks as if all of the “house robbers”, Ghosts and hands under my bed can retreat!!! Goodnight all and thanks for reading!




Things That Make You Go Hmmm.


Hello there! I’m working on a Think About It Thursday post and I’m trying to workout a giveaway to go with it but it’s adult oriented…would there be any interest in this? The post is NOT dirty in any way but does have adult content. Input wanted please. ๐Ÿ™‚
